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Poster Museum/Project | Catalogue 50MB - Catalogue web |
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14th Day of Contemporary - AMACI -- Poster |
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Workshop of Peace |
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Poster Museum/Project | Catalogue 50MB - Catalogue web |
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14th Day of Contemporary - AMACI -- Poster |
Workshop of Peace
Art postcard
The Workshop of Peace INTERNATIONAL POSTAL AND DIGITAL ART PROJECT Art postcard "Peace is a dream, it can become reality ... But to build it, one must be able to dream. "Nelson Mandela The Department of Culture of the Municipality of Quiliano, in collaboration with the SACS (Spazio Arte Contemporanea Sperimentale) and the A. Aonzo Civic Library, has organized for the 2018 edition a project of mail art with the theme "The Workshop of Peace" , dedicated to the art postcard in order to return to the origins of mail art and allow maximum creative freedom and enhance the most brilliant and surprising aspects of mail art. As usual, it was decided to add a section dedicated to digital images to mail art. Someone certainly will object to the choice of this theme, defining it at least banal. We believe instead that talking about peace is never too simple or banal, and that today more than ever there is a great need to talk about peace and tolerance. The best weapon at our disposal is the spread of the culture of peace through every cultural medium in our possession. The participation in this two-year project of mail art was very high and significant, like in the other editions. The event was attended by 251 artists from 31 nations around the world, for a total of 287 artworks.
Saturday, September 15th, 6.00 p.m.
Edited by Cristina Sosio and Bruno Cassaglia
Public Library A. Aonzo - Piazza Costituzione, Quiliano (Savona)
September 15th to October 13th, 2018
The exhibition will be open during the following times:
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. -
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
It will be closed on Sunday and Monday.
October 13th, 2016
The exhibition is included in the 14th Day of Contemporary, organized by AMACI
Extraordinary Opening: 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m./ 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Workshop of Peace
Dynamic Museum of Mail art
Public Library A. Aonzo - 5.30 pm
False of author conference:
"The false in art: testimonials and diagnostic methods "
edited by Sonia Pollero
"Meaning and value of a copy of author"
edited by Cristina Sosio
With exposure of some copies of author
Arauz Nelly - García Claudia - Gravino Rosa - Makrucz Marcela - Paz Hilda - Pezzani Claudia - Sellerio Elena - Sosio Cecilia Teresita
Mizzi Denis - Murphy Peter - Viers Alicia
Brandtner Walter - Alexander Charistos - Pinter Klaus - Piroska Horváth - Warhanek Gonca
Rigoni Veronique - The Wasted Angel
Back Ivone (Confraria de Arte Postal Selus) - Bica Victoria - Branco Joaquim - Cypriani De Lorenzi Rosangela - Da Costa Pinto Laura - Darmeli Araujo Maria - De Castro Mulazzani Vitor - De Lima Schulz Annelise - De Lima Schulz Josemeri - De Miranda Raiter Rafaela - Janys Oliveira (De Oliveira Janyce Soares) - De Oliveira Pellegrini Diessica Milena - Dos Reis Thais Rosa - Erzinger Janos - Everton Junior Machado Rodrigues - Fagunders Jacira (Confraria de Arte Postal Selus) - Hugo Pontes - Imaginè Par B. - Keller Solange (Confraria de Arte Postal Selus) - Lenz Fortes Fillipe - Lupinacci Zinnermann Diego - Maquerque Larissa F. - Metz Milena - Milani Joana - Mileski Susana Teresinha (Confraria de Arte Postal Selus) - Miron Eduardo - Neves Anderson - Oliveira Dos Santos Gustavo - Pereira Lunardelli Taiane - Perido Vittoria - Perini Patricia - Pontes Hugo - Pupin Rafaela - Prado Santa Luiza Beatriz - Raineski Ludmila Silveira - Ribas Marinho Dorian - Ribeiro Queiroz Helen - Rodonte Maine - Rodrigues Marco Rosa - Rohsig Lopez Camila Esther - Siqueira Borges Fatima (Confraria de Arte Postal Selus) - Sonaglio Heloisa (Confraria de Arte Postal Selus) - Toffoli Edna - Ziegler Hias Victoria
Cares Antonio - Femenias Von Willigmann Victor
Lunar Suede
Kim Seong Sil
Krarup Steen T. - Salmaso Marina
Gayer John - Mattila-Tolvanen Anja - Tiililä Paul
Boccù Carmen - Flemish Patricia
Buchholz Joachim - Dermani Abdoul-Ganiou - Hidir Ok - Keyn Waltraud Caroline - Mittendorf Henning - Schmidt Simone Sandra - Zilling Bernhard
Kazuko Ogawa - Nakamura Keiichi - Ryosuke Cohen
Nikoltsou Katerina - Coutarelli Demetrios
Anderson Teri - Bates Keith
Amato Antonio - Antonielli Adriana - Ardau Barbara e Di Caterino Mimmo - Ballabeni Franco - Baracchi Tiziana - Baroni Vittore - Bassi Pier Roberto - Battistella Elisa - Bellini Giuliana - Bertola Carla - Bonaduce Maria - Bondi Ober - Boraso Rosanna e Allievi della Classe 2^ del Liceo Artistico Statale di Venezia - Bortolami Piera - Boschi Anna - Bossi Cecilia - Botto Cesare e Bondi Ober - Brombin Piero - Bucci Rossana - Cantamesse Antonio - Caporaso Angela - Caravita Lamberto - Cassaglia Bruno - Cavallero Antonietta - Centro Studi Mbat - Cobas (Carchini Mario) - Chiarlone Bruno - Conti Paolo Guglielmo - Cuciniello Natale - Dapuzzo Maria Grazia - D’adda Gianni - Dal Ponte Alberto - De Cesario Giorgio - De Gregori Gabriella - De Marchi-Gherini Antonio - Dealessi Albina - Di Michele Antonio - Di Trani Gabriella - Diotallevi Marcello - Donin Beatrice - Duro Gianfranco - Emanuele Mimmo - Farina Cinzia - Ferrara Foria Domenico - Follin Maurizio - Franzia Lia - Franzin Vincenzo - Fulgor C.Silvi - Gagliardi Marco - Gentili Dania - Giambarresi Nella - Giarrizzo Annamaria - Giordanelli Sergio - Giraldi Francesco - Gravina Giuseppina - Gruppo Sinestetico (Albertin, Sassu, Scordo) - Iacomucci Carlo - Jandolo Benedetta - La Spesa Rosanna - Lanfranco Eugenio - Limongelli Pierpaolo - Liuzzi Oronzo - Lizzola Piera - Luigetti Serse - Mabi Col - Maggi Ruggero - Maggi Sara - Magnabosco Nadia - Magni Marilde - Marchesa Giuliana - Marchese Carmelo - Marcuse Morice - Maria Grazia Montano - Marrali Calogero - Martina Maria Grazia - Mautone Michele - Medola Massimo - Michelotti Monica - Molinari Mauro - Molinari Patrizia - Montanella Gilia - Montano Maria Grazia -Morandi Emilio - Morgese Giovanni - Natali Giuliana - Paoli Linda - Pennacchia Maria - Petraglia Giorgio - Petrucci Pasquale - Picardi Antonio - Pizzi Anna - Pollero Sonia - Pompeo Massimo - Prota Giurleo Antonella - Psyche Out Fanzine (Pertone Silvano) - Pucci Alessandra - Rigamonti Isabella - Ripari Ina - Riri Negri - Rizzo Caterina - Romanin Sabina - Rosa Sandra - Rossi Serena - Sansevrino Sergio - Sassu Antonio - Savoi Alba - Scala Roberto - Seghizzi Paolo - Solamito Cecilia - Solamito Luigino - Sosio Cristina - Spagnuolo Lucia - Stradada Giovanni and Renata - Strozzieri Leo - Torraco Giuseppe Luca - Traverso Elisa - Vitacchio Alberto
Gjorgjievska Elena - Zlatko Krstevski
Geron Herrera Francisca
Larsen Torill Elisabeth - Svozilik Jaromir
Bouws Renee - Ko De Jonge - Still Maroeska M.
Kuźniar Elżbieta
Petca Ovidiu - Valcelean Krisztina
Kulemin Edward
Kamperelic Rorica & Dob
Baña Sabela - Bericat Pedro - Calvarro Sanchez Manuel - Capilla Fernandez Johana - De Cullá Daniel - Jimenez Miguel Zenon - Lopez De Ael Juan - Mayol Castle Antonia - Ruiz - Ruiz Manuel - Valdor - Viana Silvia
Van Hissenhoven Marie-Laure
Lawson-Body Richard Laté
Atli Ibrahim - Bayram Dede - Canbolat Cihan - Derya Avci Nail Bey Mah - Mustafa Cevat Atalay
Csaba Pál - Tibor Urban and Horváth Stefánia
Padin Clemente
Arvello Angel - Bennett John M. (Luna Bison Prods) - Boyer C. Daniel - Gancie Rosalie - Helsingor Fleur - Hickman David - Horvath Lynda - Lueders Laurel - Pace Andre - Skolnick Judith - Wood Karen
Infopoint: Information Office for Culture of Municipality of Quiliano
Email: servizi.cittadino@comune.quiliano.sv.it - ph. 0039 19 2000511
Public Library A. Aonzo
Email: biblioteca@comune.quiliano.sv.it - ph. 0039 19 8878311
Web site: www.sacsarte.net - e-mail: info@sacsarte.net
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